Click here to view list of selected publications.
Haegeli, P., Haider, W., Longland, M., and Breadmore, B. (submitted). Decision-Making in Avalanche Terrain - Testing the Effect of a Decision Support Tool for Trip Planning with a Stated Choice Survey. Submitted to the Risk Analysis.
Haegeli, P., and McClung, D.M. (2007). Expanding the snow climate classification with avalanche relevant information - initial description of avalanche winter regimes for south-western Canada. Journal of Glaciology, 53, 266-276. 
McCammon, I., and Haegeli, P. (2007). Comparing avalanche decision frameworks using accident data from the United States. Submitted to Cold Regions Science and Technology, 47, 193-206. 
Haegeli, P., and McClung, D.M. (2004). Hierarchy theory as a conceptual framework for scale issues in avalanche forecast modeling. Annals of Glaciology, 38, 209-214. 
Gruber, U., Haegeli, P., McClung, D.M., and Manners, E. (2004). Large-scale snow instability patterns in Western Canada: First analysis of the CAA-InfoEx database 1991-2002. Annals of Glaciology, 38, 15-20. 
Haegeli, P., and McClung, D.M. (2003). Avalanche characteristics of a transitional snow climate - Columbia Mountains, British Columbia, Canada. Cold Regions Science and Technology, 37, 255-276. 
Haegeli, P., Steyn, D.G., and Strawbridge, K.B. (2000). Spatial and temporal variability of mixed-layer depth and entrainment zone thickness. Boundary-Layer Meteorology. 97: 47-71. 
Longland, M., Haider, W., Haegeli, P., and B. Beardmore (2005). Decision Making by Amateur Winter Recreationists in Avalanche Terrain. Study Brief prepared for ADFAR project of the Canadian Avalanche Association. 
Haegeli, P. (2005). Winter backcountry use trend estimates for Western Canada. Report prepared for ADFAR project of the Canadian Avalanche Association, p. 14. 
McCammon, I., and Haegeli, P. (2005). Description and evaluation of existing European decision-making support schemes for recreational backcountry travelers. Report prepared for ADFAR project of the Canadian Avalanche Association, p. 64. 
Haegeli, P., McCammon, I., Jamieson, B., Israelson, C., and Statham, G. (2006). The Avaluator - a Canadian rule-based avalanche decision support tool for amateur recreationists. Avalanche News, Volume 78 Fall 2006. 44-52 (reprint of the ISSW article).
Haegeli, P. and Statham, G., (2006). Decisions, decisions, decisions .. Mountain Equipment Co-op Avalanche Awareness Series Winter 2006. 
Haegeli, P., and McClung, D.M. (2005). Avalanche Winter Regimes - A system for describing avalanche activity characteristics. Avalanche News, 71: 38-44. 
Campbell, C., Jamieson, B., and Haegeli, P. (2005). Small-scale mapping of snow stability: If not, why not? Avalanche News, 71: 45-49. 
Atkins, R. and Haegeli, P. (2004). The Canadian Avalanche Association Information System Project. Avalanche News, 70: 23. 
Haegeli, P., and Atkins, R. (2003). Storage and visualisation of relevant avalanche information at different scales. Avalanche News. 64: 38-40. 
Haegeli, P., Haider, W., Longland, M., and Beardmore, B. (2006). Decision-Making Preferences of Amateur Recreationists in Avalanche Terrain. International Workshop on Snow Avalanches - Vancouver, BC, October 30 - November 2, 2006.
Haegeli, P. (2006). The Avaluator - a Canadian rule-based avalanche decision support tool for amateur recreationists. SARScene 2006 of the National Search and Rescue Secretariat - Gatineau Quebec, October 4 to 7, 2006.
Haegeli, P., McCammon, I., Jamieson, B., Israelson, C., and Statham, G. (2006). The Avaluator - a Canadian rule-based avalanche decision support tool for amateur recreationists. International Snow Science Workshop - Telluride, CO, October 1 - 6, 2006. (Prevention value typo fixed - April 16, 2008)
McCammon, I., and Haegeli, P. (2006). Evaluation of a rule-based decision aid for recreational travellers in avalanche terrain. International Snow Science Workshop - Telluride, CO, October 1 - 6, 2006. 
Jamieson, B., Schweizer, J., Haegeli, P., and Campbell, C., (2006). Can stability test help recreationists assess the local avalanche danger? International Snow Science Workshop - Telluride, CO, October 1 - 6, 2006. 
Haegeli, P., Haider, W., Longland, M., and Beardmore, B. (2006). Decision-Making Preferences of Amateur Recreationists in Avalanche Terrain. 12th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management - Vancouver, BC, June 3 - 8, 2006.
Haegeli, P., and Hairsine, S. (2005). The avalanche decision framework for amateur recreationists (ADFAR) project of the Canadian Avalanche Association. SARScene 2005 of the National Search and Rescue Secretariat - Charlottetown P.E.I., October 4 to 9, 2005.
Haegeli, P., and McClung, D.M. (2004). Initial description of avalanche winter regimes for Western Canada. International Snow Science Workshop - Jackson Hole, WY, September 19 - 24, 2004, 247-254. 
Atkins, R., and Haegeli, P. (2004). An information system for the Canadian avalanche community. International Snow Science Workshop - Jackson Hole, WY, September 19 - 24, 2004, 469. 
McCammon, I., and Haegeli, P. (2004). Comparing avalanche decision frameworks using accident data from the United States. International Snow Science Workshop - Jackson Hole, WY, September 19 - 24, 2004, 502-512. 
Haegeli, P., and McClung, D.M. (2002). Analysis of Avalanche Activity in the Columbia Mountains, British Columbia, Canada. International Snow Science Workshop - Penticton, B.C., September 29 - October 4, 2002: 1-7. 
Haegeli, P., and Atkins, R. (2002). Storage and visualisation of relevant avalanche information at different scales. International Snow Science Workshop - Penticton, B.C., September 29 - October 4, 2002: 32-38. 
Haegeli, P., and McClung, D.M. (2000). A new perspective on computer-aided avalanche forecasting: Scale and scale issues. International Snow Science Workshop - Big Sky, Montana, October 2-6, 2000: 66-73. 
Haegeli, P., and Steyn, D.G. (2000). Spatial and temporal variability of mixed-layer depth and entrainment zone thickness. 34th Congress of Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society - Victoria, B.C., May 29-June 2, 2000.
Haegeli, P., and McClung, D.M. (1999). Classification of avalanche forecasting models. International Conference on Avalanches - Saint Vincent, Valle d'Aosta, Italy, December 13-14, 1999 (invited paper). 
Haegeli, P. (2007). Wie faellen Skitourengeher ihre Entscheidungen? - die Anwendung der Sozialwissenschaften bei der Entwicklung von neuen Entscheidungshilfen fuer Skitourengeher. Innsbrucker Hofburggespraeche, Department for Natural Hazards and Forested Areas, University of Innsbruck - Innsbruck, Austria, June 21, 2007.
Haegeli, P. (2007). The Avaluator - a new Canadian avalanche decision tool for backcountry travellers. Invited speaker at the fundraising gala dinner of Canadian Avalanche Foundation - Vancouver and Calgary, February 23 and 24, 2007.
Haegeli, P. (2006). The Avaluator - a new Canadian avalanche decision tool for backcountry enthusiasts. Invited public lecture at International Workshop on Snow Avalanches - Vancouver, BC, November 1, 2006.
Haegeli, P. (2006). Avalanche Decision Framework for Amateur Recreationists made in Canada (Entwicklung von Entscheidungshilfen für Skitourengänger in Kanada). Colloquium at the Swiss Federal Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research, Davos , Switzerland, January 5, 2006.
Haegeli, P. (2005). A Canadian avalanche decision framework for amateur winter recreationists: What we have done and where we are planning to go. Seminar during one guides training week of Canadian Mountain Holidays, Bobbie Burns Lodges, Canada, December 17, 2005.
Haegeli, P. (2005). A Canadian avalanche decision framework for amateur winter recreationists: What we have done and where we are planning to go. Canadian Avalanche Centre Backcountry Avalanche Workshops in Vancouver BC and Calgary AB, November 19 and 20, 2005.
Haegeli, P. (2005). A Canadian avalanche decision framework for amateur winter recreationists: What we have done and where we are planning to go. Professional Development Seminar of the Association of Canadian Mountain Guides (ACMG), Canmore AB, November 13, 2005.
Haegeli, P. (2005). ADFAR - Lessons about Risk and Risk Attitude. Fall meeting of British Columbia Helicopter and Snowcat Ski Operator Association (BCHSSOA), Mica Creek, B.C., October 2005.
Haegeli, P. (2005). A Canadian avalanche decision framework for amateur recreationists - and how it relates to professionals. Invited presentation at continuing professional development day of the Canadian Avalanche Association, Penticton B.C., Canada, May 2005.
Haegeli, P. (2005). A Canadian avalanche decision framework for amateur recreationists. Annual General Meeting of the Canadian Avalanche Association, Penticton B.C., Canada, May 2005.
Haegeli, P. (2005). A Canadian avalanche decision framework for amateur recreationists. Avalanche Awareness Evening, Golden B.C., Canada, February 2005.
Haegeli, P. (2004). A Canadian avalanche decision framework for amateur recreationists - and how it relates to professionals. Seminar during the guides training weeks of Canadian Mountain Holidays, Gothics and Bugaboo Lodges, Canada, three presentations in December 2004.
Haegeli, P. (2004). Spatial patterns of persistent weak layers and avalanche winter regimes in Western Canada. Annual General Meeting of the Canadian Avalanche Association, Penticton B.C., Canada, May 2004.
Haegeli, P. (2004). Thoughts on data visualization in the avalanche community. Invited presentation at industrial visualization workshop of the Canadian Avalanche Association, Penticton B.C., Canada, May 2004.
Haegeli, P. (2004). An introduction to the approach of Werner Munter. Presentation the 'Club Trek' hiking group in Burnaby B.C., Canada, February 2004.
Haegeli, P. (2003). Recent advancements in data visualization and presentation. Seminar during the guides training weeks of Canadian Mountain Holidays, Monashee, Caribou and Bobbie Burns Lodges, Canada, three presentations in December 2003.
Haegeli, P. (2003). European rule-based decision methods for recreational backcountry travelers. Presentation during professional development seminar for FS and CAIC avalanche specialists organized by the FS National Avalanche Center. Snowbird UT, October 2, 2003.
Haegeli, P. (2003). Introduction to the Reduction Method of Werner Munter. Seminar during the CPD (continuing professional development) day of the Canadian Avalanche Association, Penticton B.C., Canada, May 2003.
Haegeli, P., Gruber, U., and McClung, D.M. (2003). Work on historical InfoEx data: Large-scale instability patterns. Annual General Meeting of the Canadian Avalanche Association, Penticton B.C., Canada, May 2003.
Haegeli, P. (2002). Data visualization and computer models for avalanche safety program of CMH. Seminar during the guides training weeks of Canadian Mountain Holidays, Gothics and Bugaboos Lodge, Canada, three presentations in December 2002.
Haegeli, P. (2002). Atmospheric processes responsible for surface hoar formation. Seminar for Coast Range Heliskiing, Pemberton B.C., Canada, December 15th 2002.
Haegeli, P., and McClung, D.M. (2002). Analysis of avalanche activity in the Columbia Mountains of British Columbia. Annual General Meeting of the Canadian Avalanche Association, Penticton B.C., Canada, May 2002.
Haegeli, P. (2002). Scale issues in computer-aided avalanche forecasting. Invited lecture in ESCI580: Snow and Avalanche Processes. Montana State University, Bozeman MT. April 16th 2002.
Haegeli, P. (2002). Analysis of avalanche activity in the Columbia Mountains of British Columbia. Snow Science Seminar at Montana State University, Bozeman MT. April 15th 2002.
Haegeli, P. (2001). Scale issues in avalanche forecasting. Seminar for Cayoosh Helisports, Pemberton B.C., Canada, December 17th 2001.
Haegeli, P. (2001). How to make sense out of weather information from the Internet. Seminar for Cayoosh Helisports, Pemberton B.C., Canada, December 17th 2001.
Haegeli, P. (2001). Problems in mountain weather forecasting. Seminar for Cayoosh Helisports, Pemberton B.C., Canada, December 17th 2001.
Haegeli, P. (2001). Large scale analysis of persistent weak layers in the Columbia Mountains of British Columbia. Seminar during the guides training weeks of Canadian Mountain Holidays, Galena and Gothics Lodge, Canada, December 2nd, 4th, and 9th 2001.
Haegeli, P., and McClung, D.M. (2001). Scale and scale issues in avalanche forecasting. Seminar at the Snow and Avalanche Study Establishment, Manali, Himachal Pradesh, India, August 2001 (presented by D.M. McClung).
Haegeli, P., and McClung, D.M. (2001). Stability patterns in the Columbia Mountains. Annual General Meeting of the Canadian Avalanche Association, Penticton B.C., Canada, May 2001.
Haegeli, P., and McClung, D.M. (2000). Scale problems in computer-aided avalanche forecasting. Invited seminar during the guides training weeks of Canadian Mountain Holidays, Nakusp B.C., Canada, December 2000.
Haegeli, P. (2007). CAAML 4.1: Canadian Avalanche Association Markup Language. 
Haegeli, P. (2007). Avalanche! Scholastics Canada Ltd. Part of Literacy Place for the Early Years. 20p. ISBN 978-0-7791-6677-0. 
Haegeli, P., and McCammon, I. (2006). Avaluator - avalanche accident prevention card. Canadian Avalanche Centre. 30 p. ISBN 0-9781741-0-0. 
Haegeli, P. (2005). CAAML 3.0.3: Canadian Avalanche Association Markup Language. 
Haegeli, P. (2004). Scale analysis of avalanche activity on persistent snowpack weaknesses with respect to large-scale backcountry avalanche forecasting. PhD Thesis, University of British Columbia. 254p. (20 MB file!)
Haegeli, P. (2004). CAAML 2.2.6: Canadian Avalanche Association Markup Language. 
Haegeli, P., Atkins, R., Bergstrom, J., Myhre, M., and Goodrich, J. (2003). CAAML 1.0.3: Canadian Avalanche Association Markup Language. 